Bid bonds

They allow the participation to public tenders for the awarding of contracts related to works, supply or services guaranteeing the enforcement of the contract. The policy is required by the law for the participation to public tender procedures...

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Construction bonds

On July 6th, 2005 it was published in the Official Journal the Legislative Decree n. 122 approved on June 20th 2005 which enforced Law n. 210/2004 that introduced in Italy a specific law for the protection of buyers of buildings under...

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Grant bonds

Regional, State or European authorities may finance some activities such as research and innovation, new companies, traineeships and workshops, development of suburban areas. In such cases the Company may ask for an anticipation of the global...

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Urbanization bonds

The Italian law requests that, in regard to a planning permission application, fees are paid to the local council. These policies guarantee that the builder pays the fees.

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VAT refund bonds

In case on the basis of the annual VAT declaration, by means of which Companies declare the amount of VAT paid to the State, it appears that part of the amount paid to the State has to be returned to the Company, the latter is entitled to get it...

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Balance payment

II Garante si impegna nei confronti della Stazione appaltante, nei limiti della somma garantita, alla restituzione totale o parziale della rata di saldo per il pagamento di quanto eventualmente dovuto dal Contraente per difformità e vizi...

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